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My goal as an educator is for students to enjoy learning, and to accomplish that goal, we must prioritize students' learning environments. Focusing on creating significant learning environments enhances my innovation plan by prioritizing student growth, fostering a positive mindset, and promoting a culture of continuous learning and improvement. By analyzing various learning design models, such as Fink's Taxonomy of Learning and UbD, I've assessed elements of my innovation plan and how to implement them effectively. This ensures that my plan delivers content and fosters skills, attitudes, and mindsets vital for lifelong learning and success. Below, you will find my coursework for 5313. 

A New Culture of Learning 

Embracing significant learning environments revolutionizes education by fostering engagement and innovation. As educators, we shape the future by prioritizing dynamic learning experiences. 

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Learning Philosophy

Transitioning from student to educator reshaped my view of learning as a dynamic journey, embracing behaviorism, constructivism, cognitivism, and connectivism.

Aligning Outcomes, Assessments, and Activities 

Dr. L. Dee Fink's taxonomy of significant learning is essential for course development. Let's see how it applies to our unit on exponential functions in Algebra 1.

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Understanding by Design

Explore how I utilized Fink's 3 Column Table and Understanding by Design (UbD) framework to design a comprehensive learning experience.


Promote a growth mindset & teach grit in the classroom to empower students to embrace challenges, persist, and succeed in their learning journey!

Growth Mindset 

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