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Annotated Bibliography 

Below is a list of books and podcasts that I found throughout my research. I will be reading these and listening to the podcasts to further my education on the topics of blended learning mindsets in mathematics and good teaching practices. 

*Click on the image to bring you to the site to purchase or find more information. 

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Boaler, J. (2022). Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students’ Potential through Creative Mathematics, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching (2nd Edition). Jossey-Bass.

  • Math is a struggle for many students and that is directly related to the mindset they come at it with. This book discusses math anxiety and what we can do to help our students be successful and engaged in our lessons. I hope that this book will help me grow as an educator and aid in the development of my innovation plan. 

Jansen, A. (2020). Rough Draft Math. Stenhouse Publishers.

  • Rough Draft Math prioritizes student expression and idea revision over solely pursuing correct answers. It promotes an inclusive learning community through techniques and examples fostering active engagement, collaborative problem-solving, and continual idea evolution. As an educator, I aim to align my goals with these principles and seek further insights from this book.

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Tucker, C. R., Green, J. T., & Wycoff, T. (2017). Blended learning in action: a practical guide toward sustainable change. Sage Publications.

  • Blended learning in action is a comprehensive guide to how to effectively run blended learning in your classroom and school. It is an easy-to-read book that lays out how change can happen in the classroom using blended learning and it will be a great tool going forward with my innovation plan. 

Carbaugh, E. M., & Doubet, K. J. (2015). The Differentiated Flipped Classroom. Corwin Press.

  • This comprehensive guide focuses on the Flipped Classroom model, offering strategies to tailor learning experiences to diverse student needs. It emphasizes integrating Flipped Learning with Differentiated Instruction, utilizing technology effectively, employing formative assessments, and motivating students with supportive challenges, all accompanied by practical examples.

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Dodd, C. (Host). (2020-2023). Blended Learning in Action Podcast.  [Audio podcast]. Apple Podcast.

  • This podcast shows different perspectives on blended learning. Educators speak with the host, Charity Dodd about their experiences and journeys through practicing blended learning in the classroom. 

Tucker, C. (Host). (2020-present). The Balance, by Dr. Catlin Tucker [Audio podcast]. Apple Podcast.

  • This podcast, hosted by Caitlin Tucker, focuses on technology and teaching. Episodes are focused on AI, blended learning, rotations, and innovation. This is a great podcast full of information and will be a great asset going forward in this program. 

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