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Learning Networks

As an educator, it is crucial to maintain a personal learning network (PLN) to learn and develop continuously in our profession. A PLN comprises various networks and communities that help us expand our knowledge base and enhance our teaching skills. Throughout my teaching career, I have actively sought opportunities to join different networks and connect with fellow educators. 

Having a robust PLN allows me to explore innovative teaching tools and strategies that can significantly benefit my students and the overall learning environment in my school. I am deeply passionate about discovering resources and techniques that contribute to advancing my students' education. Consequently, I find great value in sharing these ideas and insights within my school's learning community, also known as the professional learning community (PLC). I can further enrich my students' and colleagues' teaching and learning experiences by actively engaging and collaborating with my PLC.

Math Learning Networks:  

Mathematics is my main focus as a math teacher, and I am always searching for new and exciting methods to keep students engaged with a challenging curriculum. This is a constant struggle in the digital age because students have calculators in their pockets, and we must use this to our advantage. I advocate for Desmos and Delta Math and learn a lot from my fellow educators in these groups.  


Delta Math Facebook Group 

Desmos Educators Facebook Group  

Middle School Math Teachers 

deltamath-dev-Square Logo Blue on White_

Educational Technology Learning Networks: 

Ed Tech is the buzzword in education, and using it to improve our skills in the classroom is critical. MagicSchool AI is a great AI education tool for a vast array of teacher needs, and they provide great insights on their blog about the technological advances of AI in education. Edpuzzle is another excellent tool for educators and provides a significant amount of information for teachers to learn from. I learned many valuable skills while becoming a MagicSchool AI Pioneer, trainer, and Certified edpuzzle trainer. I have supported my fellow educators in utilizing these tools in the classroom and through our PLC.


MagicSchool AI Blog  and Facebook Group 

Edpuzzle Coaches Group 

Podcast Learning Networks:  

As a teacher with a 55-minute commute to work, I have found podcasts to provide significant information to learn from. While I listen to various podcasts, I have encountered some great educational podcasts, such as the Resilient Teacher podcast, Math Teachers Lounge, and Teachers Off Duty. While these three podcasts are very different, they are all education-based. Hearing from other educators who have their boots on the ground in the classroom is vital. This allows me to gain new ideas and build a growth mindset about education on my daily commute.  


The Resilient Teacher Podcast  

Math Teachers Lounge 

Teachers Off Duty   

Other Learning Networks:

I am also a member of ATPE, which keeps me informed on Texas legislation that is taking place about education, professional development, and legal protection as an educator. An event that I look forward to every year is The Conference for the Advancement of Mathematics Teaching (CAMT). This conference is a wealth of knowledge that takes place for three days every summer and supplies educators with new and exciting tools to implement in math education. I highly recommend this conference to anyone who teaches math. I also join our local Region 7 Algebra 1 cohort every year. A group of algebra educators from the region meet a few times a semester to discuss the hot topics in math education and prepare for the STAAR tests.  




Region 7 Algebra Cohort  

These valuable learning networks allow me to acquire new knowledge and insights to bring back to my school community and enthusiastically share with my colleagues. I genuinely relish being an engaged and proactive member of these groups, and I anticipate the chance to participate in even more enriching networks in the future.

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