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  • Writer's pictureAudrey Parcell

COVA: A Reflection

Beginning with my first two courses in the ADL program last October, I quickly realized the extent of choice, ownership, and voice I would have through authentic assignments directly connected to my profession. While initially daunting, I embraced the challenge and quickly adapted to the new learning methods. The COVA approach can initially seem intimidating because it differs from the “traditional” learning model, where assignments are often cookie-cutter and come with precise expectations. However, the ADL program assignments have been open to interpretation. We have been able to create a digital representation of our passions in education, as well as changes that we want to see happen. With every new assignment, my growth mindset grew; I had to embrace challenges head-on and collaborate with my cohort when I didn't know how to approach an assignment. Receiving feedback and feedforward from my cohort was vital for my success in every course. 

I faced a challenge in finding my voice. In traditional academic settings, assignments are usually completed to please the professor to earn a good grade (Harapunik, 2021). However, in the ADL program, my assignments became valuable products I could use in the future. I had control over my assignments' direction, which was incredibly empowering. In my first two courses, 5303 and 5305, we focused on ePortfolio creation and developing our innovation plans. These courses allowed me to take ownership of my ePortfolio and make choices when selecting the topic for my innovation plan. That was an overwhelming time; being a full-time educator and taking on a master's degree, I began questioning whether I could do it. However, with the methods of learning used in the ADL program, I saw the content as meaningful and productive. 

Over my time in the program, I have become very passionate about sharing the COVA approach with educators in my district. The elements of choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning should be staples of good teaching. My 7th- and 8th-grade students have benefited from my experiences with the COVA approach as we have made more valuable and meaningful connections to the content (Harapunik, 2018). I have created a significant learning environment (CSLE)  where all of my students are valued and believe in their abilities (Harapunik, 2025). A growth mindset is the cornerstone of my teaching, and my students know that I believe in them. Connecting the COVA approach to my teaching methods in mathematics has been vital to implementing these strategies. My edTech publication is based on ways mathematics teachers can implement COVA in the classroom. 

Being in my fourth year of education, I was initially hesitant to believe that I could promote change within an organization. However, through the ADL program, I have gained a confidence I didn’t realize I was missing. With my newly acquired knowledge, I feel empowered to speak up and help drive change in my organization. My perspectives on many aspects of education have shifted, and I have developed a new outlook on teaching and learning. There are many ways that students can learn, and we need to be adaptable to better support all learners inside and outside the classroom. If anything, my learning philosophy has grown and evolved significantly due to the COVA approach and CSLE.

In conclusion, the COVA approach and CSLE have expanded my learner's mindset and philosophy. I have grown substantially because of these learning approaches. I am prepared to make a change within my educational organization and look forward to encouraging more educators to adopt the COVA principles. 


Harapnuik, D. (2015, May 9). Creating significant learning environments (CSLE) [Video]. YouTube. 

Harapnuik, D. (2018, July 14). COVA. It's About Learning: Creating Significant Learning Environments. 

Harapnuik, D. (2021, January 8). What to expect from ADL [Video]. YouTube. 

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