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  • Writer's pictureAudrey Parcell

Engaging Education: How Media and Technology Transform Learning

The purpose of media is to engage an audience. This engagement can occur in comedic, insightful, or influential ways. Our goal is to influence the way people are thinking. Technology has created great advancements in the way that we engage with media. Today, students can engage with curriculum and resources at their own pace (Veritasium, 2014). Technology is not inherently superior; animations over static graphics and videoed presentations over live lectures all hold similar value in education  (Veritasium, 2014). Media is a tool that we use to enhance education, but not to replace the classroom teacher. 

What have others done to engage me?

I am best engaged through listening and participating in hands-on applications. When I go to workshops, I enjoy being given access to the presentation before the session starts, as I can engage with the media firsthand rather than simply viewing it on a screen. My students also benefit from hands-on experiences with technology. When engaging students in a Desmos calculator lesson, I require them to open the application and follow along. 

How will I incorporate these ideas into my media project? How will I influence them?

With our media pitch, we must think creatively and think outside the box. Creative thinking is about finding many alternatives and choosing the best answer, not about finding the correct answer (TEDx Talks, 2014). With media, this means choosing the right platform and way to engage our selected audience. I will direct my audience to explore the digital tools I am discussing by providing live links and insights into the products. Through this, I will also direct them to my publication, which includes further details on these digital tools related to the COVA principles. 


TEDx Talks. (2014). Creative thinking - how to get out of the box and generate ideas: Giovanni Corazza at TEDxRoma. In YouTube.

Veritasium. (2014, December 1). The most persistent myth [Video]. YouTube.

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