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  • Writer's pictureAudrey Parcell

Innovating Education: Empowering Educators & Students in the Digital Age

As an educator I am innovative and I encourage my fellow educators to be innovative.

As a teacher, I am still learning how to encourage my students to be innovative.

As an educator, my innovative spirit propels me to constantly seek novel approaches and methods in teaching. However, I also acknowledge the learning journey involved in fostering innovation among my students.

While I strive to introduce fresh ideas and advocate for growth in our students, I recognize that effective communication is pivotal for meaningful change in education (Kotter, 2011). Recognizing the power of effective communication in driving change, I advocate for open dialogues and knowledge-sharing platforms among educators. Lisa Nielsen's insights have broadened my perspective on employing innovative strategies for my students. I've come to realize that even small modifications can yield significant impacts, and integrating real-world experiences into education can spark substantial transformations (2016). This understanding drives my commitment to encourage innovation and facilitate student growth in today's digital landscape.

Moreover, I believe in the importance of continuous learning and professional development. I encourage fellow educators to embrace ongoing learning opportunities, attend conferences, and participate in training sessions that focus on innovative pedagogical techniques and emerging trends in education. Creating a supportive environment where educators feel empowered to experiment, collaborate, and share their innovative practices is essential to nurturing a culture of innovation in education.

By fostering innovation not only within student learning but also among educators, I aim to contribute to a dynamic and progressive educational community that adapts to the evolving needs of our learners in the digital age.


Kotter, J. (Dr. John Kotter). (2011, March 23). John Kotter - Communicating a Vision for Change. [Video]. YouTube. John Kotter - Communicating a Vision for Change

Nielsen, L. (2016, March 13). Are You An Innovative Educator? Here's How to Find Out. Blogger.

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