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  • Writer's pictureAudrey Parcell

Link by Link: Evaluating the Interconnected Web of my ePortfolio

Updated: Nov 26, 2023

This ePortfolio journey began with a deliberate investment of time and effort, focusing on the COVA approach (Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authentic learning) to represent my passion for teaching, technology, and mathematics through the ADL program. For more information about the benefits of an ePortfolio view my blog post "What? Why? Who? ePortfolios."

So, why did I choose Wix?

Wix has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate. I found the system to be very intuitive and quick to use. I was able to add pages, subpages, and images with ease and create a clean, professional portfolio showcasing an "About Me" section, book recommendations, insightful blog posts, and ongoing projects in a matter of hours.

Who owns the domain?

When creating a representation of myself online through this ePortfolio it was important that I owned my domain. To me, this included the web address. I am the owner of, this is a representation of me. Teaching is my passion, I believe that technology is highly important in education, and math brings joy to my life. This web address creates a professional and authentic appearance for my ePortfolio.

How does my ePortfolio represent me?

My ePortfolio consists of an "About Me" page, a "What I am Reading" page, and blog posts, among other projects. My voice can be heard through my writings in my blog posts, a great example of this can be read in my post about having a growth mindset.

What's next for my ePortfolio?

My ePortfolio serves as a dynamic space, evolving alongside my progress in the Applied Digital Learning program, capturing my educational journey, and highlighting my dedication to fostering a growth mindset and innovative teaching practices. My innovation plan is only in the beginning stages and has lots of room for growth which will continue to be updated in my ePortfolio.

This platform will continue to evolve and grow as I evolve and grow in the ADL program.

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