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  • Writer's pictureAudrey Parcell

My Impact on the Learning Community: 5303 & 5305

Within this post, I will be reflecting on my contributions to both my learning journey and the broader learning community. As I take a moment to contemplate my involvement in the courses 5303: Applying Educ Tech: Portfolio and 5305: Disruptive Innovation in Technology, here's my self-assessment:

5303 Applying Edu Tech: Portfolio: 89/100

5305 Disruptive Innovation in Technology: 44.5/50

Self-assessment is important for evaluating personal growth within the ADL program. My scoring is based on meeting the key contributions, but not meeting one supporting contribution. I did not take on a leadership role in my group or the course, but I was actively involved in many areas.

My learning community consisted of Sara-Ann Heinsohn, Candace Alexander, and Joshua Kolawole. We often shared our work for feedback and communicated concerns about assignments. It was great to have a community to go to that was working on the same projects.

What is working?

Many elements went well throughout these courses. I attended live sessions, supported my peers, and completed all required readings plus more. My work was continually cited in APA format, through blog posts and assignments. In addition, I revised my work any time feedback, or feedforward was given, and was very timely in submitting my work.

Attending live sessions was the best tool throughout these courses. I attended all live sessions for 5303 and 5305, except one, which I later watched the recording of. I took detailed notes that I could refer back to throughout my projects which helped me meet the required standards on assignments. My notes also were able to help me answer questions within my learning community. We were able to reflect on what we had done and use that information to better ourselves.

I often looked to my peer's ePortfolios to help me modify mine. Looking at my peers who were at the same point in the program was very helpful in determining if I was on pace with the program. One in particular that I looked to was Sara-Ann's, her organization was very helpful for me to continue to build my ePortfolio. Throughout both courses, I took feedforward from my peers and modified my portfolio.

Another area that worked well for me was completing the required readings. I engaged in a large amount of literature to further myself in this program and to align with my innovation plan. This also allowed me to complete the required blog posts accurately.

Making revisions to my work was a big part of the ADL process. On my innovation proposal, I did not meet the mark initially. I did not include literature. Given this feedback I was able to go through and revise my work and resubmit, resulting in a better score. I was also given feedback on my literature review, which I was able to revise.

What can I do better?

Going forward in the program I can contribute to my learning community more. I need to provide my input and feedback more than I did through these courses. Time management was also challenging for me throughout these courses. I teach full-time and commute 55 minutes one way to work daily. This often prevented me from being able to participate in the additional Zoom meetings that my learning community created. In future courses, I will make it a priority to engage in my learning community more. Providing feedback was my weakest area, and I understand the importance of it. Going forward I will make it a priority to be actively involved within my learning community.

This can also be extended to discussion board posts, in both courses I would post my responses on time, but sometimes I would take longer to respond to my peers. Going forward in the program this will be something that I continue to work on. Reaching out more in the future will also help me get more feedback on my work.

Contribution to the Learning Community

I attended all of the live sessions throughout both courses, except one that I later watched the recording of. This was vital to my success in the program thus far. Attending these sessions allowed me to take great notes which I was able to apply to my learning community when help was needed. I used the information gained to support my peers when questions were asked.

My learning community was a great resource to ask for feedback and pose questions. I often asked questions to spark conversions and sharing of ideas throughout the group. I valued their opinions and gained great insights that helped me improve my projects and blogs.

In conclusion, I learned a lot in these first two courses of the program and am looking forward to what I can learn in the future. I understand the need for feedback and that I need to also give feedback throughout discussion boards and in my peer learning community. While excelling in attending live sessions, completing readings, and utilizing peer feedback for my ePortfolio adjustments, I aim to enhance my participation in discussions, prioritize time management, and foster increased involvement within my learning community in future courses.

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