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  • Writer's pictureAudrey Parcell

The Power of ePortfolios: A Journey of Inspiration, Adaptation, and Personal Growth in Learning

Eportfolios are a wealth of knowledge. Throughout this course, I have looked to my peers' portfolios for inspiration. I have also viewed many past students' portfolios for guidance. All ePortfolios are as individual as the people that create them. My ePortfolio is a representation of me and my learning through the ADL program. We have been given elements and have been required to push ourselves through the CSLE and COVA approaches. CSLE, or Creating a significant learning environment, goes hand in hand with COVA, choice, ownership, voice, and authentic experiences; together these approaches promote active ownership over student learning (Harapnuik & Thibodeaux, 2023).

  • One ePortfolio I looked to for inspiration was Anna Akuretiya's, I enjoyed the ease of navigation of her site. It also was very interesting for me to explore her learning through the ADL program. I was able to view her work on courses that I have not yet taken, which has allowed me to start thinking and planning for the future.

  • Another ePortfolio that I found engaging to look through was Mrs. Hahn's, I found it easy to navigate and again engaging to explore.

  • I have also spent some time looking at my peer's portfolios, noting aspects that I like or dislike, and using those ideas to alter my ePortfolio.

Looking at other ePortfolios is a great way to learn and adapt your own. I am sure that as I continue through this course over the next year my ePortfolio will constantly evolve and change with my learning and experiences with my peers.

Harapnuik, D. & Thibodeaux, T. (2023). COVA: Inspire Learning Through Choice, Ownership, Voice, and Authentic Experiences. Learner's Mindset Publishing- Chapters 7 - 9

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