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  • Writer's pictureAudrey Parcell

Transforming Middle School Math: Impactful Studies on Blended Learning and Growth Mindset

The following are some of the literature most impactful when using blended learning in the middle school math classroom. It is essential to review literature that explores different student demographics, growth mindsets, and the impacts of blended learning in the school. These studies pull data from classrooms and evaluations to conduct their research, which has impacted my innovation plan. As we advance, I would like to look further into the effects of blended learning and growth mindset on lower-income students. 

This study compared the attitudes, performance, and behavior of 130 seventh-grade students who participated in eight 30-minute sessions focused on deliberate practice and growth mindset over 14 weeks to a same-age active control group. This is a great viewpoint for seeing the effects of growth mindset practices on math engagement and achievement. 

This study analyzes the impacts of blended learning on increasing student achievement in middle school. It finds that blended learning is most impactful when teachers use data from adaptive digital content for differentiation.

  • Iyer, R., & Pitts, J. (2017). Teaching Math to My Scholars: Inner City Middle School Students. Journal of Education and Learning, 6(3), 243–249.

This study focuses on inner-city students learning math through blended learning. This viewpoint is very valuable as many schools deal with different demographics of students that require further research into teaching strategies. The authors discuss strategies that can be utilized to enhance and promote student performance and growth. This is an article that I highly recommend for other educators when looking into blended learning. 

  • Sahni, J. (2019). Does Blended Learning Enhance Student Engagement? Evidence from Higher Education. Journal of E-Learning and Higher Education, 2019, 1–14.

This study focuses on a group of college-age students who are learning through the blended learning model. Evidence was found for the positive outcomes of this approach, which leads to higher student achievement and improves student engagement. Students were interviewed and gave their input on how blended learning impacted them. 

  • Tucker, C. R., Green, J. T., & Wycoff, T. (2017). Blended learning in action: a practical guide toward sustainable change. Sage Publications.

Blended learning in action is a comprehensive guide to effectively running blended learning in your classroom and school. It is an easy-to-read book that lays out how change can happen in the classroom using blended learning, and it will be a great tool for my innovation plan.

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