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  • Writer's pictureAudrey Parcell

Unlocking Organizational Transformation: Insights from Cricket Buchler's Strategies and 'All Washed Up' Video

To instigate organizational change, it is essential to examine the six sources of influence, categorized into motivation and ability, further divided into social, structural, and personal dimensions. Focusing on at least four of these areas is imperative to drive effective change. In a video by Cricket Buchler on influencing change, three strategies were discussed. 

The first strategy involves modeling behavior, a simple yet powerful approach. Demonstrating change can inspire others to follow suit, fostering empowerment within the group (Crucial Learning Speakers, 2012). 

The second strategy emphasizes leveraging the influence of crucial motivators, particularly those at the organizational helm. Without their endorsement, instigating change becomes challenging. Identifying highly respected individuals within the organization is crucial, as they play a pivotal role in creating buy-in among their peers (Crucial Learning Speakers, 2012). 

The third strategy centers on identifying individuals who can enable or impede change. It involves actively seeking support within the organization while also acknowledging potential resistance. 

Considering all facets of the organization is paramount – understanding who can be influenced and what aspects can be altered. 


The video "All Washed Up " presents an alternative perspective on change. It focuses on encouraging children to wash their hands. When relying solely on personal motivation, children consistently neglected handwashing. However, introducing changes in their environment and deliberate practice led to some improvement. However, the most significant results were observed when peer influence was incorporated. The key takeaway is the necessity of utilizing four or more sources of influence for effective change (Crucial Learning, 2023). 



- Crucial Learning Speakers. (2012, December 17). Influencer | Cricket Buchler [Video]. YouTube. [Link](

- Crucial Learning. (2023, October 4). All washed up [Video]. YouTube. [Link](

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